So since the doll line is discontinued, I think that we as dedicated fans should make a petition. With enough signatures we can convince MGA Entertainment to continue the line.
I liked Novi Stars since I was five.
Alright, so lemme tell u a fact about me: I liked Novi Stars since I was five. 👗👽
Will this series return?
Novi Stars has been gone for 4 years. Shame though, they were pretty cute. I especially liked how Mae Tallick was kinda like Hatsune Miku (the teal pigtails thing does not automatically equal Miku, but how Mae is a robotic popstar with teal pigtails might have been slightly influenced by her) Also, the website now redirects to for some reason. They said they were on hiatus...but this doll line shows no signs of returning. On Wikipedia, it says the line is cancelled. Idk about it though, and unfortunately no one remembers it anymore. If there are any of you left, I wanna discuss what you think happened to this doll line
Which of the 4 new Novi are you looking forward to the most?
Well, as the title says XD for anyone who is still on this place or whatever. I'm starting to think nobody will answer, considering hardly anyone has been around, but hopefully soon everyone will start to return... or something...
So anyway, for my answer, I happen to like all of them. So I can't necessarily decide myself...
Hello, I know I haven't been around lately, but to be honest I didn't really think there was much point since the series was on a hiatus. But anyway, since the dolls may be returning (or at least until the info and stuff gets out for these new dolls), I will be returning.
So in my absense, if anything has been messed up or whatever, feel free to report it here so that I can fix it, if it hasn't been already.
Doll Errors
Sorry I haven't been that active everyone, with the novi stars Hiatus and all, there's really been nothing to report. I've only just recently found the brand new 6 in stores near me (or at least one Kmart), so there's that too...
ANYWAY, I was inspired to write this when I realized there was something wrong with my Tily doll I got for Christmas. She has all of the regular eye lashes, but also a few placed IN/under the eyelid on the side of the eye, where the eyelashes are NEVER placed on the dolls. Now this may have been intentional but because her other eye isn't like that, I'm calling it an error.
I considered trimming it, but I think it actually gives her a bit more character so I'm just going to leave them as is. So has anyone else had a…
Novi Stars Discontinued
Hi peeps there are some out of this world rumors of Novi Stars are going gone soon, well it's true :-( If the sales are sucessful as Moxie Girlz the Novis' may still go on after 2014, crossing my fingers and keeping my hopes up, Stay Cool Ghouls <3 Limearose1 (talk) 23:47, August 21, 2013 (UTC) MGA replied After this fall Novi Stars will be produced.
Cosmic Goo
Greetings earthlings,Tula Toned here! I'm going to show you how mke your very own cosmic goo!It's very easy and lots of fun.Before you get started you'll need your parents permission.Remeber this cosmic goo is for playing and NOT for eating.
You Need:
2cups of non-toxic white glue
2 teaspoons of cornstarch
1 1/2 cups of warm water
mixing bowl
food colouring (any colour)
1.add the non-toxic glue,1/2 cup of warm water and add the food colouring into the mixing bowl and stir.
2.In a separate bowl add the cornstarch and1 cup of warm water and stir until the cornstarch is dissolved.
3.pour the cornstarch water in with the glue mixture and stir. with your cosmic goo.
Review: Sila clops
Hi, welcome to Review number 3! This time we will be reviewing Sila Clops. If you enjoy this blog and would like to see more, just let me know :3
- 1 Overview
- 2 Doll
- 3 Basics
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Standing
- 3.3 Hair
- 3.4 Special Feature
- 3.5 Body
- 4 Accuracy
"Xie zerp kli—Uh…I mean…Greetings Earthlings! My name is Sila Clops! I just landed on Earth with my pet 1-Eye and our first destination is New York!"
Sila is the happiest Novi Star you'll ever meet! She loves to look at the bright things in life and encourages others to do the same.
She may look different with just one eye but she doesn't see it as a disadvantage... not unless it involves sunglasses!
- Box: Peach-Gold
- Brush: Dark pink, about the same color as her hair.
- Tiara: Neon orange with gear theme
- Pet
Sila is very acc…
Why are the new novi star packs called Skinz?
I know it is proberly something to do with that they come with bodies,but why skinz? xD
Do you think this wiki is a little...asleep? We really need to get more people to join, and create MORE PAGES!
Pages I'm currently working on:
- Orbit Beach
- Pets
- Stellar Skinz
Is there a special order when the webisodes come out? Like, weekly?
What do you think about Gail Lexi, Cici Thru, and Sila Clops?
Ta-ta 4 now!
Tula Toned's pun name?
Hey Starlets, it's Paula! Do any of you know what Tula's name is coined off of? I think it might be Two Toned beacuse she has two tones of colors in her legs.
La De Da Dolls look like Novi Stars?!.
The one with the pink short hair looks like Allie Letric.
The one with the long curly hair looks like Una Verse.
The one with the pig-tails reminds you of Mae Tallick.
The one with Purple curly hair looks like Ari Rama (Forgot her name again).
So what do you think?!.
Review: Malie
Hi, welcome to Review number 2. As explained in my previous review staring Tula Toned, these reviews will be used to help you decide if you want a Novi Stars doll, or even which you may want.
This time we'll be reviewing... Malie Tasker!
- 1 Overview
- 2 Doll
- 3 Basics
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Standing
- 3.3 Hair
- 3.4 Special Feature
- 3.5 Body
- 4 Accuracy
"'"Zerp xi yciye—I mean Greetings Earthlings! My name is Malie Tasker and my Earth mission is to give everyone a hug when they need one."
Malie is one of the newest Novi Star characters introduced, but certaintly not the last! She was released with Tula and currently shares a home with the rest of the Novi Stars.
Malie is very friendly and will give anyone a hug when their in need of one. But she can't doesn't like that gloves o…
Review: Tula
Okay, hi, welcome to the first of many reviews on each Novi Star doll. These reviews will be in detail as possible, minus information regarding the character since thats on each characters page.
So first up is Tula!
- 1 Overview
- 2 Doll
- 3 Basics
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Standing
- 3.3 Hair
- 3.4 Special Feature
- 3.5 Body
- 4 Accuracy
I have a colorful and daring personality and my cosmic quirk is that I can fly off at a moment’s notice! What can I say, I like to wing it!"
Tula is one of the newest Novi Star characters introduced, but certaintly not the last! She was released with Malie Tasker and currently shares a home with the rest of the Novi Stars.
She loves to fly around and is quite loud and daring but she doesn't understand why dogs always chase their tails.
Starting with t…
Hi everybody :3 I have decided to make reviews on each and every itty bitty single doll belonging to this series. I can't provide pictures unfortuantly, but I promise to still make these well detailed and helpful. Just letting you know...
I'm gonna make Tula and Malie's first since I just got them a bit ago.
Your Opinions?!.
Hey Guys, I need your help. I really would like a novi star. And I need your opinions to help me out. I would like to know about your opinions on Bratzillaz And Monster High, I love all three Monster High, Bratzillaz And Novi Stars. But what do you think I should do?!. Should I get a Novi Star, or a different Doll.
Paula's Blog
Hi! I'm Paula and I'm new to the wiki! I have a big collection of Novi Stars.
I'd love to make some friends. =3
Malie doll and Tula doll on Facebook !!!!!!
kinda dispointed in Tula but I STILL LIKE IT!!
novi stars
alie elctgric "im a boy. i like dirt and video games"
thats funny
!!!!! i roleld on the floor laughing it was funny
i cryed out of hilariouslness
who do u like
frim the novi stars?
do u like the idea of there being novi stars boys? i do. i want boys novi star
Im like, SOO Excited for these new novi star characters!! i've been checking the novi stars facebook and website frequently to see if theres any new information about them!!!!!!! i still have FACEBOOK NOVI STARS popped up and the NOVI STARS STAR STATS page on the novi stars website popped up and i keep clicking on them to see if they put anything new and i keep pressing the refresh button LOL!
So, this is the story.
novi stars posted a status on their facebook December 4th that said "Hi Stars, Alie here! Some weird transmissions are coming through on our phone and we can’t figure it out! Check out all the details on the Star Log: What on Earth could it be!?" And then on december 6 they put this '''''"Hi Stars, Alie …
Dress Up Game!
Meh, not much to say in all honesty. I just thought the fans would enjoy seeing this :3 It was not made by me, so please don't claim I stole anything. It was made by a dress up game website I often check out due to all the fun and cute Monster High games and other series too, like Bratzillaz. It's filled OVER the brim with Monster High though :3
Anyway, its a Mae Tallick dress up game. You can sorta make the others though if you wish to try to make Ari, Alie, Una, or Nita.
The link is:
Fashion Pack Desires
Well this page is a "write-up" if you will for the current weekly poll (then again this won't always be current you know...) so for right now it is. Anyway, the current poll question is "What Fashion Pack do you most want?" So here you can discuss the fashion packs basically...
I picked the bedtime one :3 as I already own the Galatic Gown. It's so cute x3
So anyway, share your desires, feelings, and thoughts here.